Country Anagram Quiz #2

Welcome to the Country Anagrams 2 quiz. Each of the questions is an anagram of the country name. The number of words in the question does not necessarily agree with the number of words in the country name.

Simply rearrange the anagram and enter the name of the country.

Your name, please:

I task it jan

Key rut

Big mule


Bunko safari

And I halt


Adriane Benson Zhivago

Be ruin

Bad boars

Liz Rab

Luau tv

Mistaken turn

Blades hang

Bud ruin

Ah samba

Ban hair


Satan bow

Game habit

Go tan

Lab ruse

Is a unit

Be inn

Anna Zita

Abrading Tonia Todd

Obi vial

Glib aura

Hut ban